dimanche 7 juin 2009

Hans Up!

Hans Verhaegen (1966, Brussels) frames figurative oil paintings, drawings and miniature collages as if they were photographic pictures, but also as if they were posters, postcards, book covers and headlines of imaginary magazines.

Verhaegen's work is furthermore characterized by a number of eye-catching installations such as Ronker (1996), for which he drew in an almost impossible space with the sun and thre street lighting. The installation Atelier 255 (1999) is a combination of wall drawings from his studio and collages that have been deconstructed into strict grids. An example of such grid collage of 990 figures is The Milky Way (2000). Some huge wall paintings such as Zeyp (1997) were made on order.

The surprsing 128 people (2003) was the first of e recent series of digital animations, which lead to new paintings, drawings and installations. All animations are inhabited by the same icon-like, human figures. Man is the central topic, but is also the result of assembling parts in a computer program.

1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit…

Ils me semblent des drapeaux nées d´une mistere, d´une precision tres proche a les faux teoremes, a une raison tres musicale, avec une gaité tres musicale, ils me resemblant comme des numeros transfigurés en fleurs en concordance avec la brise, le vent, la pluie, les soleils et la brume...